Now Microsoft PowerPoint for the web can add…

Illustration: The Verge PowerPoint for the web now lets users insert videos with closed captions and subtitles into presentations, reports Windows Central. It should make presentations created in the Microsoft 365 suite more accessible to…

An X outage broke all outgoing links, again

Image: The Verge As if publishers and users didn’t have enough reasons to reconsider their connections to the platform formerly known as Twitter, all outgoing links from X stopped working Wednesday afternoon. A problem with…

Tesla’s trash won’t get picked up as union…

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge Tesla will have to skip trash day in Sweden as the country’s labor groups continue to protest the company’s anti-union policies. Reuters reports the country’s Transport Workers’ Union…

Apple now sells the AirPods Pro USB-C case…

Image: Apple Apple has begun selling the USB-C charging case for its second-generation AirPods Pro as a standalone purchase. But it doesn’t come cheap. The MagSafe-compatible case, available immediately, is priced at $99. Still, if…